Semi Permanent
Give your face an instant makeover with our semi-permanent make up procedures. Whether it’s an eyebrow enhancement or adding definition to your lip line, these safe and quick treatments will help you achieve desired results in no time.
Duration: 90 | 120 mins
Eyelash extension
Get the lush eyelashes of your dreams with the eyelash extension treatment. Our trained practitioners hand-glue semi permanent lashes along your natural eyelashes and on the upper waterline, giving you fuller eyelashes that look natural.
Lip Liner
If you’re looking to add volume to thin lips or reintroduce lip borders lost due to age, add color and definition to make lips look fuller and more attractive. We take great care to match your skin’s shade and to create the most natural looking results.
Let your eye’brows’
do the talking

A defined brow and lip line does more to accentuate your face than you can imagine. Our therapists design the perfect arches that are customised to your face. Wait till you see the difference!